On September 10 published an article entitled "Another test irrefutable chemtrails "in which he showed this picture.
As I said in that article, it is a Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner, namely a WD001, a plane used for flight testing. The original photograph before the amend some funny this is. You can see it in more detail in the Boeing Web .
In this image you can see a similar setup described in the book "Inside Boeing . Building the 777 "page. 76, describing a test in 1994.
The test is to check the behavior of the ship to vary the position of weight on the center of gravity. You can move the weight forward and back with a dynamic ballast system. This system is composed of 48 barrels, each capable of carrying 460 pounds (208 kilos), connected by tubes to a pump. A computerized system keeps track stored in the fuel tanks, fuel is being consumed, the location of people, ballast, the position of the flaps, the landing gear configuration and quantity of water in the barrels. All this information is processed into the center of gravity of the airplane.But there are many photos, which are used in forums and blogs of questionable credibility, which are intended to pass by fumigation devices. For example these:
attention to the tubes coming out of the front and something that seems strange that it can be seen above the wing.
These tubes seem very suspicious. But why are pointing in the wrong direction? Because this plane is not designed to spray toxins, but to sample the atmosphere. This is a research aircraft, with registration N701BN owned by Battelle Pacific NW Laboratories. It is almost unique in its class, so it is unlikely to be the cause of all persistent contrails we see everyday. Performs research on air pollutants, and waste from the combustion of hydrocarbons. It also investigates the properties of clouds and contrails.
There is another picture, very popular too, which looks like an evil device to spray poison.
Actually, that was a spraying device, but quite harmless. is an NKC-135A (55-3128) Air Force United States. It is a refueling aircraft modified to spray water. Used to check the behavior of Air Force aircraft to the formation of ice on its surface. Here see in action:
Here some additional detail about it. Http://consci.s3.amazonaws.com//wp-content/uploads/nkc-135-icing-attachmentpv1983_2688.pdf
This other plane is very interesting. We have seen in a previous blog. It is a E-6B "Tacamo" .
The E-6B is used by the U.S. Strategic Command as a communications center in the air. You can see the logo of the marina on the right side. The E-6B is a modified version of the Boeing 707-320. The fuel vents have been moved from the wingtips to area between the fuselage and engines to separate the communications equipment ESM / SATCOM located at the tips of the wings, which look like this:
also be seen from the trail you're leaving by emptying the fuel, wake up devices on the wingtips by the decrease in pressure caused by their shape.
Here you can see another take on the same plane captured from a YouTube video about chemtrails.
The next picture shows some devices (flares) for the release of silver iodide attached to the hold of a large aircraft. These devices are used for cloud seeding in order to cause rain or prevent hail.
This plane belongs to the company Weather Modification Inc .
View of the WMI racks removable flares are mounted on the belly of the plane. Each shelf has 102 cartridges. When fired, fireworks on and ejected from the aeronave.En this configuration, the WMI Lear 35A is equipped with four racks of 102 glaciogenic ejection pyrotechnics, a total of 408 units.This is another device for cloud seeding, this time mounted on a plane North American Weather Consultants, Inc.
This other shot is of the capsule that contains the refueling system fuel in flight of a Boeing C-135FR Stratotanker.
This aircraft while in flight can release two chipped hoses can connect two planes for refueling.
Source: ContrailScience
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