We are extremely intolerant, and rightly so, to racism. We are extremely intolerant, and justifiably so, with people who discriminate against homosexuality ... but we are not intolerant, and we should ask the cause and to practices that are pretending to be science, but use the bias in the collection of evidence, or lack of them directly and wrongly using the scientific method.Beddington said that it intends to take forward this initiative with their fellow scientists and research councils.
really believe that we must be aware that this is a pernicious influence. In fact it is a pernicious influence and increasingly we need to consider how to manage this issue. Really ask them to be extremely intolerant. We must not compromise with something that can seriously affect our ability to tackle important issues. There is quite difficult and important problems out there that have over to deal with the injustice of political, moral or religious. Beddingtonalso had harsh words for reporters who give equal credence to the unscientific views of commentators, that the views of recognized scientists.
media witness discussions about really important scientific events as if it were a simple football game. It's ridiculous.Your call has been welcomed by groups of scientists. Edzard Ernst, professor of medicine at the University of Exeter, said he was delighted that someone speaks loud and clear from that position, that the analogy with Racism was very successful and that he, as Beddington, wondered why journalists have "a pathological need" to balance a scientific opinion from outside of science.
You will not see that balance in racism. You will never see finished an article quoting the Ku Klux Klan when someone writes about the racist ideas. We've raised the tone of our voice because scientists are still misunderstood and this increases our frustration.Ben Goldacre, scientific and medical journalist, agrees.
The society has been too tolerant of the abuse and misuse of science by politicians and journalists who have deliberately distorted the facts and evidence have shown that more selectively them interested persons giving false authority that distort the absolute basics of science. This evidence has distorted real-world implications, because leaders need reliable evidence to make informed decisions in the areas of politics, health, and many more. Beddingtonfrustrated, and rightly so:
For years I had with journalists and politicians trying to sweep my concerns and take them under the carpet. Scientists have to struggle. I urge you, perhaps you a message seems weird, to go out and be out there much more intolerant. This is something I thought was around the head in recent months, and I think this was the time to bring them to light.Source: researchresearch.com
Thanks to: lamentiraestaahifuera.com
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