DYNCORP system, a conflict privatized. TV
is one of the seven "military companies" American hired by the U.S. State Department for anti-drug war.
DynCorp in Colombia is presented as a British company, based in Aldershot, Hampshire. In contracts with the Department of State United States appears as an American company that has its headquarters in Reston, Virginia and Operations Base in Cocoa Beach, Florida.
The company was founded in 1946, a year after the end of World War II, by a group of American pilots who thought devoted to cargo. California initially called Easter Airways Inc. Since 1987 bears the name of DynCorp. In the great line of work that began today developed in the Korean War from 1950 to 1953.
Later participated in Viet Nam from 1960 to 1975. Have served in the Persian Gulf war. Worked in the counterinsurgency war in El Salvador. Operated in Bosnia and currently involved in the implementation of Plan Colombia, among other activities.
DynCorp is one of the world's largest private companies engaged in security and defense. Has about 20,000 employees working in around 50 countries worldwide and revenues exceeding U.S. $ 400,000 million.
This company hires mercenaries for the war and appears as a very versatile company that provides multiple services to U.S. military bases spread over some 1,500 around the world but, in essence, it is a Company that recruits and mercenaries for the development of war operations, for various reasons can not or must be performed by regular forces of the United States.
For example, in Colombia, the United States officially promote the drug war, but denying the counterinsurgency war. However, the war there and she takes DynCorp, primarily training and battalions leading the counterinsurgency and paramilitary forces.
In July 1999 the first scandal erupted when a Navy spy plane in the United States, piloted by Jennifer Odom, crashed on the border between Ecuador and Colombia. 5 U.S. soldiers killed and 2 Colombians. The U.S. Embassy spoke of an accident, but the husband of the plane's pilot, retired U.S. Colonel Charles Odom, said his wife had been shot down by a FARC operative while he was an intelligence mission for the U.S. government.
This narcoempresa has a contract for 600 million dollars annually to operate in Bolivia, Peru and Colombia, and has experts in combat mercenaries (delta force) and veteran pilots who participated in the wars of imperialist aggression against the peoples of Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, El Salvador and Haiti.
air raids aimed at the eradication of coca, poppy and marijuana by spraying in Colombia are carried out by Dyncorp, the military company that Oliver North, as revealed by the Iran-Contra, under direct orders from the Pentagon , used to supply weapons to the Nicaraguan Contras and transport cocaine to finance terrorist operations of the anti-Sandinista mercenaries.
Airplanes and DynCorp mercenaries operating in coordination with the Aviation Brigade of the Army, and out of Colombia without any control by the Colombian authorities, a situation that is explained by the Colombian government conditions imposed by the U.S. State Department
The U.S. government conditioned the granting of U.S. $ 1 600 million initial Plan Colombia to the Colombian authorities did not interfere in the American operatives. For this reason, it is no coincidence that the anti-narcotics police general who led the raid that resulted in the discovery of the shipment of cocaine belonging to Dyncorp in May 2000, was dismissed.
Terrorism in the Americas
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