Sunday, February 27, 2011
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Rolling Stone magazine revealed that the U.S. Defense Department. UU. attempted to use psychological manipulation tactics to get American senators to send more money and troops to Afghanistan.
The orders came from General William Caldwell, who is responsible for military training of Afghan troops. The list of people chosen as targets of these actions was quite broad and include Sens. John McCain, Joseph Lieberman, Jack Reed, and the Chief of Staff Overall, Admiral Michael Mullen, the Czech ambassador in Afghanistan, the German interior minister and some influential analysts.
The leader of the unit responsible for the so-called 'information operations' in Kabul, Lt. Col. Michael Holmes, said he was ordered to identify "pressure points" to influence the senators and other officials visiting Afghanistan. "My job is to play with the brain of people to convince the enemy to act as we desire. I have no right to do this with our own. If I am asked to use these powers with senators or congressmen, cross the red line, "said Holmes.
For refusing to obey orders from their superiors, Holmes not only received an official reprimand, but also faced some false accusations created artificially. For example, according to Rolling Stone, the heads of the lieutenant colonel tried to accuse, without any evidence of inappropriate behavior such as drinking and having sex with a subordinate.
The U.S. Defense Department indicated that psychological operations (the use of propaganda and different psychological tactics to influence emotions and behavior) can be used only against "foreign hostile groups." The use of such tactics citizens of their own country is not allowed under U.S. federal law.
magazine as needed, this case shows the desperation of command of U.S. troops in Afghanistan in its attempts to persuade politicians to support an unpopular war. According
said El Mundo, a possible departure of General Caldwell further complicate the war in Afghanistan, starting from a situation in itself disturbing enough, and lacking some 750 foreign instructors to train and train Afghan security forces and tactics General Petraeus expeditious increasingly less adept in Afghanistan. In addition, This week one more country, Denmark, has joined the list of states this year plan to start withdrawing its troops from Afghan soil.
Here the most explicit video
Thanks to:
News RT
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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We are extremely intolerant, and rightly so, to racism. We are extremely intolerant, and justifiably so, with people who discriminate against homosexuality ... but we are not intolerant, and we should ask the cause and to practices that are pretending to be science, but use the bias in the collection of evidence, or lack of them directly and wrongly using the scientific method.Beddington said that it intends to take forward this initiative with their fellow scientists and research councils.
really believe that we must be aware that this is a pernicious influence. In fact it is a pernicious influence and increasingly we need to consider how to manage this issue. Really ask them to be extremely intolerant. We must not compromise with something that can seriously affect our ability to tackle important issues. There is quite difficult and important problems out there that have over to deal with the injustice of political, moral or religious. Beddingtonalso had harsh words for reporters who give equal credence to the unscientific views of commentators, that the views of recognized scientists.
media witness discussions about really important scientific events as if it were a simple football game. It's ridiculous.Your call has been welcomed by groups of scientists. Edzard Ernst, professor of medicine at the University of Exeter, said he was delighted that someone speaks loud and clear from that position, that the analogy with Racism was very successful and that he, as Beddington, wondered why journalists have "a pathological need" to balance a scientific opinion from outside of science.
You will not see that balance in racism. You will never see finished an article quoting the Ku Klux Klan when someone writes about the racist ideas. We've raised the tone of our voice because scientists are still misunderstood and this increases our frustration.Ben Goldacre, scientific and medical journalist, agrees.
The society has been too tolerant of the abuse and misuse of science by politicians and journalists who have deliberately distorted the facts and evidence have shown that more selectively them interested persons giving false authority that distort the absolute basics of science. This evidence has distorted real-world implications, because leaders need reliable evidence to make informed decisions in the areas of politics, health, and many more. Beddingtonfrustrated, and rightly so:
For years I had with journalists and politicians trying to sweep my concerns and take them under the carpet. Scientists have to struggle. I urge you, perhaps you a message seems weird, to go out and be out there much more intolerant. This is something I thought was around the head in recent months, and I think this was the time to bring them to light.Source:
Thanks to:
Saturday, February 19, 2011
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Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
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"The winter that hit the country in 2010 was the strongest presented in Colombia over the past 30 years "
Recently we have seen the strange behavior on global climate, and the strange mass death of animals, the appearance of craters, earthquakes and so on. Currently
climate behavior is attributed to global warming, but in reality we can be sure that you? is that the heat wave in the world has fallen steadily, some predict ice age, and found that temperatures have fallen considerably, anything is possible, we can also say that is because of solar storms that cause the magnetism in the earth increases. On the other hand we have the "Auroral Research Program High Frequency" better known as HAARP.
If you are unfamiliar of how HAARP or question, check out this post (click here)
not speculate anything, nothing is said, at least in Colombia, is it possible that a great ally as Sunken States using a weapon against us? Anything is possible.
In this short post, I want to emphasize is that this technology may be affecting us as to the behavior of the climate in our country, and otherwise so I speculate is the fact that we can see explicit information in mass media and not doing anything about it, such as fish kills that occurred in Santander and RCN Paracol Courtesy:
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011
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El Cartel drug, financial and petrological daily conspire against humanity to slowly exterminate the population of the Earth through adulterated vaccines, transgenic crops and harmful chemicals sprayed on our skies with military aircraft of the United Nations Sunken (ONHU), NATO.
If we go back in history to the time of feudal wars regardless of whether they were Japanese or British, they, the kings, had the prospect that the population consists of cockroaches, inferior to them since "by divine right "We can govern them" the commons. " These generations of people, malnourished usually measured 30cm. less on average than their masters. Then there
Edinburgh Prince Philip, father of Prince Charles, husband of Queen Elizabeth II Reptilian (E11R), Knight Templar Member of the Royal Order of the Dragon Court based in Transylvania in Romania, and intellectual murderer of Princess Diana and founder of World Wildlife Fund (WWF) said in his book, If I Were an Animal (If I Were an Animal) he would, after death, reincarnated as a virus and kill 80% of Earth's human population.
What's more, Jacques Cousteau, saying it was better to kill 70% of the population at once. Even, there are sunken Nations documents as Agenda 21 where declare their intentions to reduce the population of the Earth to "manageable level", only 500 million people.
These same scientists also mention that these viruses are cancers and the worst is that these pathogens and viruses are spreading and multiplying in the manufacture of vaccines Complex World Drug Cartel, the Establishment pharmaco-known in the underground as "Big Pharma ".
Worse, no longer requires an applied one of these contaminated vaccines to collapse or develop these cancers, simply close or be in contact with someone who received one dose of these substances.
hundred years ago did not know of many cancers and cancers less than 30 years ago contracted persons 80 years of age. Now we have 30 years ago, there are cases of teenagers and children with cancer.
Dr. Gallow, the man who invented the AIDS did not deny, when confronted in the radio program of Alex Jones, have been responsible for creating HIV. The company responsible for creating the HIV-AIDS was Litten Bionetics and Merck. There
secret military documents from Fort Dietrich in Maryland in the United States where it is detailed in its laboratories of biological weapons were funded by the U.S. Congress for these diseases in the 60s and 70s and when in 1976 he began to introduce the male homosexual population of New York strains contaminated with HIV-AIDS under the fallacy that were vaccines to prevent contraction sexually transmitted diseases such as Hepatitis B.
If you want to continue reading this valuable article go to:
medical Mafia, Dr Ghislaine Lanctot
The true history of the origin of AIDS:
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
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| |
By: Azalea Robles | |
is the largest burial of victims of a conflict that has news on the continent. Would be moved to the Nazi Holocaust or the barbarity of Pol Pot in Cambodia to find something of this dimension.
"After the cemetery of La Macarena, 200 km. Of Bogotá, thousands of bodies were buried without a name"
The lawyer Jairo Ramirez is the secretary of the Standing Committee for the Defense of Human Rights in Colombia and accompanied A delegation of British parliamentarians to place a few weeks ago when he began to discover the magnitude of the pit of La Macarena. "What we saw was frightening," he told public. "Countless bodies, and surface plates hundreds of white wood with the inscription NN and dates from 2005 to today." Missing
Ramirez adds: "The commander of Army told us that they were guerrillas killed in combat, but the people of the region tells of many community leaders, farmers and community advocates who disappeared without trace. "
While the Prosecutor announced investigations" from March " after legislative and presidential elections, a parliamentary delegation composed of Jordi Pedret English (PSOE), Inés Sabanés (IU), Francesc Canet (ERC), Joan-Josep Nuet (IC-EU), Carles Campuzano (CiU), Mikel Basabe (Aralar) and Marian Smith (Eivissa pel Canvi) arrived yesterday in Colombia to study the case and make a report to Congress and the Parliament. The situation of women as the first victim of conflict and the union (in 2009 alone were killed 41) also focus their work in different areas of the country.
More than a thousand graves in the country
The horror of La Macarena has focused attention on the existence of over a thousand mass graves with unidentified bodies in Colombia. Until late last year, examiners had counted some 2,500 corpses, which had been identified about 600 and deliver the bodies to their families.
The location of these underground cemeteries has been possible thanks to the statements on free version of the middle of supposedly demobilized paramilitaries and welcomed the controversial Justice and Peace Law that guarantees a symbolic sentence in exchange for the confession of their crimes.
The last of these statements was that of John Jairo Renteria, also known as bitumen, who has just revealed to the prosecutor and victims' relatives that he and his followers buried "at least 800 people" in the "Villa Sandra, in Puerto Asis, Putumayo region. "We had to dismember people. All in the AUC had to learn it and often took people alive," the paramilitary leader has confessed to the prosecutor of Justice and Peace.
"The government does not investigate"
Alfredo Molano. Sociologist and writer
Alfredo Molano, one of Colombia's most influential columnists, has toured the country as a chronicler of violence, which earned him exile to escape threats of military and paramilitary.
What is the situation of the graves in Colombia?
itself Attorney General's Office speaks of 25,000 "disappeared", that somewhere must be. There are huge underground cemeteries in Colombia. Some people deleted. You may also have done away with many remains as in the Nazi crematoria.
Are graves have to do with called 'false positives?
Yes, all this may be related to the "false positive" [Colombian civilians killed to that described itself as "killed in action".] The army buried underground. Many of them will be found in these mass graves.
What might be the magnitude of the findings of mass?
Terrible. Neither in the fifties was in Colombia as brutally as shown in these actions of the paramilitaries, but the government has no willingness to investigate thoroughly, and will only bring back some graves. In addition, the deadlines are very long and difficult techniques for the identification, chemical and DNA tests are enormous.
Source: Amnesty International-Chile / Pú
Monday, February 14, 2011
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Sunday, February 13, 2011
Codigo De Activacion De Fsx

is a club formed by some members of the group Three Sesientan, I think it was an obvious step in the progression a few enthusiastic friends of the sport.
Anemoi CLUB, which initially has 6 members, 5 of them founders of this club is fully open for flying friends, people who sympathize with our royalties as a club and people who like to have more or less a group organized for the days of flight and no-fly day.
I'm going to pass data from the CLUB Anemoi if you want to get in touch with us:
the clubhouse Anemoi found in Villar de Olalla (Cuenca) on the street Cantosares No. 1
If you want to send an email a: or call: 667622756. Founders
Anemoi CLUB:
001-José Antonio Muñoz (Oce): Delegate
002-Inma Fernández: 003-Joseph
Supermegafotografa Gascueña (Pepin) Logistica
004-Javier Gonzalez (SuperOP) Secretary
005-Esther Rodriguez (Alioth) Treasurer
A Greeting ...
Oce ..
Thursday, February 10, 2011
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011
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Saturday, February 5, 2011
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On September 10 published an article entitled "Another test irrefutable chemtrails "in which he showed this picture.
As I said in that article, it is a Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner, namely a WD001, a plane used for flight testing. The original photograph before the amend some funny this is. You can see it in more detail in the Boeing Web .
In this image you can see a similar setup described in the book "Inside Boeing . Building the 777 "page. 76, describing a test in 1994.
The test is to check the behavior of the ship to vary the position of weight on the center of gravity. You can move the weight forward and back with a dynamic ballast system. This system is composed of 48 barrels, each capable of carrying 460 pounds (208 kilos), connected by tubes to a pump. A computerized system keeps track stored in the fuel tanks, fuel is being consumed, the location of people, ballast, the position of the flaps, the landing gear configuration and quantity of water in the barrels. All this information is processed into the center of gravity of the airplane.But there are many photos, which are used in forums and blogs of questionable credibility, which are intended to pass by fumigation devices. For example these:
attention to the tubes coming out of the front and something that seems strange that it can be seen above the wing.
These tubes seem very suspicious. But why are pointing in the wrong direction? Because this plane is not designed to spray toxins, but to sample the atmosphere. This is a research aircraft, with registration N701BN owned by Battelle Pacific NW Laboratories. It is almost unique in its class, so it is unlikely to be the cause of all persistent contrails we see everyday. Performs research on air pollutants, and waste from the combustion of hydrocarbons. It also investigates the properties of clouds and contrails.
There is another picture, very popular too, which looks like an evil device to spray poison.
Actually, that was a spraying device, but quite harmless. is an NKC-135A (55-3128) Air Force United States. It is a refueling aircraft modified to spray water. Used to check the behavior of Air Force aircraft to the formation of ice on its surface. Here see in action:
Here some additional detail about it. Http://
This other plane is very interesting. We have seen in a previous blog. It is a E-6B "Tacamo" .
The E-6B is used by the U.S. Strategic Command as a communications center in the air. You can see the logo of the marina on the right side. The E-6B is a modified version of the Boeing 707-320. The fuel vents have been moved from the wingtips to area between the fuselage and engines to separate the communications equipment ESM / SATCOM located at the tips of the wings, which look like this:
also be seen from the trail you're leaving by emptying the fuel, wake up devices on the wingtips by the decrease in pressure caused by their shape.
Here you can see another take on the same plane captured from a YouTube video about chemtrails.
The next picture shows some devices (flares) for the release of silver iodide attached to the hold of a large aircraft. These devices are used for cloud seeding in order to cause rain or prevent hail.
This plane belongs to the company Weather Modification Inc .
View of the WMI racks removable flares are mounted on the belly of the plane. Each shelf has 102 cartridges. When fired, fireworks on and ejected from the aeronave.En this configuration, the WMI Lear 35A is equipped with four racks of 102 glaciogenic ejection pyrotechnics, a total of 408 units.This is another device for cloud seeding, this time mounted on a plane North American Weather Consultants, Inc.
This other shot is of the capsule that contains the refueling system fuel in flight of a Boeing C-135FR Stratotanker.
This aircraft while in flight can release two chipped hoses can connect two planes for refueling.
Source: ContrailScience
Thursday, February 3, 2011
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Music Video "The scientific dictatorship just starting" production label "scientific dictatorship Just Begun "by The Children Star in Puerto Rico.
Directed by Pablo Varona, José Owner
and Fernando Castro - Alvarez.
Letter - Fernando Castro - Alvarez
Music - Dario Reyes
Constain Album - The scientific dictatorship just started
This song is the result, in part, a personal reflection on seven books of the last century.
"The Scientific Outlook" by Bertrand Russell (1931)
"Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley (1932)
"The Managerial Revolution" by James Burnham (1941)
"1984" by George Orwell (1949)
"The Impact of Science on Society "by Bertrand Russell (1952)
" Brave New World Revisited "by Aldous Huxley (1958)
" The Unabomber Manifesto "Theodore John" Ted "Kaczynski (1995)
All these texts play in one way or other dystopian themes about of possible human societies of the future and the role that science and order would play in them.
The song part of a personal concern: the affliction of mind that our contemporary global society is reaching very similar parallels to the issues in depth in the works mentioned.
The letter did not fit here.
cyber Here is the link for letter ...