Hello pilotaz @ s in the second installment of this saga I'm going to I have demonstrated the Ozone Delta.
I had the opportunity to ask you a few hours of flight at Delta, and I stand with these details.
-off: The sail up uniformly, if you adelate Targeted rises without any background, but to pull the risers with a merry little wind is necessary to stop a little with the brakes or the C because it goes so fast and tends to come on, when going up without slowing cuidaito because you can raise the soil with a half twist. Once you have it in the vertical and overlooking the valley will make you just a couple more steps and you'll be in the air, to fly you out right away.
-Flight: As these notes in the air, the sail has a lot of pressure. The flight has helped me most to get to know a bit this candle was held last Saturday in Cebreros, I enjoyed this flight thermal, dynamic flight, accelerated flight and behaved well:
Thermalling could very well behaved narrow focus nuclei luxury ascended , ascended far into the flight you very easy, I conveyed feelings that helped at all times to get more yield figure this sail. One of the things I did with her that I liked was get out of the valley about 2km, when I saw some vultures Guirado out and went for them, I stepped up to half throttle and besides I get too high too fast was the first transition to with it and what surprised me is the accelerator usable in all its travel and the high finesse that is, plans with half throttle a lot and still having a great finesse.
- Landing: A quick sail so you will not go slow for my taste goes well when the sail has more speed at the right time to restore it and posarte.
Definitely, the Delta I like it very much, is a large sail.
Since I'm in labor I would also like to tell you some things most of Saturday in Cebreros. For my taste it was a spectacular day to be January 15, had good thermal TIGHT, but it could turn, we could give them a good flight in the morning and afternoon, a little left us a flight refund relajadito and enjoying the air like babies.
that day were, Esther that her man let fly all day, Javi inflate the guy that took a couple of very good flight with a takeoff of those that leaves us open-mouthed, Pepin who also were two flights and improved daily flight technique we will have to keep an eye, Ivan was a vuelazos, one testing a Delta S and that seemed to carry with that candle all his life, as controls boy, Ivan and Carmen acompñando honradonos with their presence, and Inma the great graphics that makes repotera can put some afotillos ...
A Salute ...
Oce ..
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