Audrey Hepburn was born on May 4, 1929 in Belgium, is known to be an actress, dancer, model and its many humanitarian operations, as recent years of his life was devoted exclusively to helping UNICEF and this was an ambassador of goodwill. He died in Switzerland on January 20, 1993 at 63 years of age due to colon cancer.

The first important film and that the actress was kept very good memories of Roman Holiday which won the Oscar for Best Actress and a Golden Globe in 1953. But certainly the role that made her world famous was his performance in Breakfast at Tiffany ( Breakfast at Tiffany's ). In principle, the paper was intended for Marilyn Monroe, as the author of the novel on which the film is based was a great friend of hers, but the controversial actress wanted to stop playing that kind of girl, so when Audrey was evidence captivated the camera and the paper was his, although this changed to Holly , the protagonist, and who went from being bisexual to be heterosexual, or work as a prostitute of luxury that makes no reference ...

In 2007 the famous dress Breakfast at Tiffany's was auctioned for about 750,000 euros, money that was earmarked for two schools in Bengal, India.

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