Tuesday, January 25, 2011

5 Month Old Baby With Cough

South America off from Washington to recognize the Palestinian state helium

The recognition of a Palestinian state by several South American countries led by Brazil, is a symbolic gesture marking the birth of a new regional diplomacy, the United States more independent, analysts said.

since 3 December, Brazil first, then Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile and Peru on Monday, finally, recognize the Palestinian state. Uruguay is expected to do in 2011, said AFP.

These awards are for the confluence of two situations.

one hand, by "Palestinians feel that everything is almost blocked and that perhaps you need to find new partners, and secondly, the" parallel desire of Brazil to play a greater role in international relations "said Jean-Jacques Kourliandsky, researcher at the Institute of International and Strategic Relations (IRIS) in Paris.

Given the persistent deadlock in peace talks with Israel, leaders Palestinians have prompted many countries to recognize the Palestinian state within 1967 borders before the Six Day War and the occupation of the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and Ecuador were the first to do so in those terms. Chile and Peru, closer to the United States, did not include details of the borders.

After achieving a critical mass of countries (one hundred and recognize Palestine, mostly in the years after the declaration of "independence" of 1988), Palestinian diplomats are scheduled to present his claim before the Security Council of the UN.

To Michael Shifter of the Inter-American Dialogue in Washington, surveys Latin America are "largely symbolic, but they focus on a constant tendency in America to implement an independent foreign policy, including sensitive issues like the Middle East."
"It is inconceivable that the case is moving too much in the immediate future, but the international impact has been pretty hard. On this issue reserved for the permanent five Security Council (U.S., Russia, China, France, Great Britain ), is a Latin American presence was not, "he said on his part Kourliandsky.

examinations are also as a prelude to the Third Summit of Heads of State and Government Forum South America-Arab Countries (ASPA), to be held on February 16 in Lima.
Since the first summit in Brasilia in 2005, where both blocks gave unanimous support to the Palestinian cause and criticized Israel, relations between the two regions have been consolidated.
In early 2009, former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva traveled to Ramallah and Jerusalem. Then, in late 2009, the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, toured South America.
There is a "growing development of relations between regions in the emerging world and regional strategic change, which is true decline of U.S. influence and increased the role of Brazil, "said Argentine political analyst Rosendo Fraga, the New Majority Institute in Buenos Aires.
In South America," Brazil's leadership is strengthened, "he said. The South American giant calls for a permanent seat on the Security Council and greater involvement of emerging countries in international relations.

By recognizing the Palestinian state, several Latin American governments also take into account the weight of the Arab communities of Syrian-Lebanese and Palestinian living in their territories.
The Palestinian community in Chile, with 300,000 members, is the largest in South America.


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