Crossing Fields Hernán Perea, given up the Sierra de Segura and Sierra de Cazorla reaching
Arroyofrio Across the population, in the heart of Cazorla, on Monday 15
The nomadic cattle, and go on the road, retracing the path taken with the first heats of June, and doing it in reverse , looking for warm and good pasture land. The livestock of Antonio Fernandez and their children, " Zorro" has already left the family farm "Aldara Arroyo" in the term of Santiago de La Espada (Jaén ), and the " Valdefuentes "belonging to the end of Huéscar (Granada ), where females graze in summer. Last Sunday began their path that takes them for about 12 days, touring the province of Jaén, tip to tip, to the very heart of Sierra Morena , the farm " Grassland" in Encina.
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