Hi @ s.
Although the weather is crazy lately, this weekend we could enjoy an unexpected flight Caracenilla,
The wind forecast was "strong" north for Saturday and Sunday, and with that scenario the decision was going to Caracenilla, area which is usually good with that orientation. Oce
Friday and I were talking and we agreed to go early because the wind was up from 12:00 and expected developments clouds cover the valley. At 10:00 we were already in town, there we Jose chiki the Hostel and a bit of talk and up. Already
N takeoff things do not look bad, decent gusts came as Oce debut chair, and his is to take a flight test, take a team to plan and check that all was well, and I expect a team good run, inflate and fly are turning in their line, a clean off, Inma and I stood watching for a while, and nothing but far from being a chicken, the side surrendered, everything seemed smooth, sometimes the wind was down a bit , but then rise again, after seeing the evolution of Oce for 20 min. I decided to prepare, as the wind promised to take me up the ballast, just in case. The slope was
soft, after a few minutes, some thermal note was left, so we tried to detach a bit from the side and see what happens, various began to beep, turning another twist, it appeared that began to run, before long we were high more or less over the departure of the west, we returned to the valley without losing much altitude, and up again, the clouds were formed, appearing and disappearing, I get to put under one and one could catch that pulled all was very soft, in fact the flight was softer heat that I've found the Cayenne 3, a joy.
After a while the valley and saw Oce look over the farm, I had no thought of leaving, but it seems he had another idea in mind, every time I looked further and it was obvious he was going to try to get a cross, I doubt few minutes because Inman was down and we had no radio and had not advised, but I chose Oce accompany as Inma was on the ground had the car and knew the area.
a thermal turn and when I step on accelerator high enough and went in search for thermals and the highlands were not as generous, were few and very small, a few hundred yards beyond I saw Oce and although it was still high, tried to turn around, but once we started to turn left it will inevitably and eventually lost height valuable, I think the best idea would have been out of there as soon as possible.
the end reaches its height and turn some up together, that if each his own, and were parallel to the road and the height of Horcajada de la Torre returned to pick up a few meters, crossing the A40 and Oce decided to go south of town, I did not cross and hold a little more, but seeing no other way to pass up but I get endless descent into Hell, try to turn even 10 or 15 feet off the ground but it was useless The decision was the most successful Oce and though he was getting into a venturi height left to try to continue, but turned around and landed where I had landed. We were both blown away.
were flying Oce half an hour to an hour and 10 min. I, and we did about 11 km in a straight line.
Congratulations to Oce, because it is the first low cross after the injury and because opening the Sol CX2 with a good feeling.
And thanks to the photos for your patience and come to us to pick up, if we would not have kicked us good.
Nothing to another and thank you for your attention
PD: Javi to see if one day I can explain how you looked at the ceilings and stuff, which I forgot, if you do not mind clear. A hug
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