Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Fake Angelbites Piercings
Happy New Year Merry Christmas Best Sellers
The truth is all that I can say this book I'm going to be short, the title I thought that I was bored and when they told me was about construction of a cathedral because I do not pay too much attention, but stories that happen to different characters for the project of the cathedral are amazing, you can not stop reading because you want to know how to continue ...
Hi friend @ s, which may go for Christmas? Hope you're still cool. Mine by now fairly well though it's Monday and again you have to work xD.
As you know that you like to read and follow my recommendations on books I've read and I've liked, I was reading one of the best sellers of the moment, The Pillars of the Earth of Ken Follet , and I finished it, actually I finished it a couple of weeks but so far not had time to publish it ...

Actually Ken Follett is one of my favorite authors and this novel has me really surprised, really I recommend it to everyone, but you know to give for Reyes, this book is a gem.
Now I read my second part A World Without End , but I have to make time for it, the moment I'm reading another book that I'm almost finished ...
Has anyone read The Pillars of the Earth? What A World Without End? Do you like them? I have been told that the series of The Pillars of the Earth that is very successful ... Has anyone seen it?
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Dawn De Pokemon Prenat
Novilleros The Crime of Murdered in Cieza, provides no "Guilty .."

Villa "Pool Mastic" Cover of "The Truth" 02/12/1990
Cattle Brave slumbered, restless, when the roar of a succession of fourteen shots broke the same hit the frosty silence in the morning and the souls of three kids. They were two men who wielded the guns and both left in their particular firm bodies of fire for anyone who could or would read: a shaped section of small pellets that went through the clothes and bodies in clear downward direction, the other drawn with lead balls caliber who opened the meat in a path parallel to the ground. Two arms. Two types of ammunition. Two different paths. Two perpetrators of a triple murder.
Twenty years have passed since that December 1, 1990 it opened one of the most tragic pages of black history in Spain: the so-called 'crime of the three bullfighters' or' crime Mastic Pool. " Twenty years have passed and only one of those two men has purged their sins: José Manuel Yepes Palazón, then a young farm employee, who was sentenced to 81 years in prison for three murders. The other still has no face. To become identified as highly improbable thing, of little would. Twenty years have passed and crime prescribed.
Twenty years have passed since that December 1, 1990 it opened one of the most tragic pages of black history in Spain: the so-called 'crime of the three bullfighters' or' crime Mastic Pool. " Twenty years have passed and only one of those two men has purged their sins: José Manuel Yepes Palazón, then a young farm employee, who was sentenced to 81 years in prison for three murders. The other still has no face. To become identified as highly improbable thing, of little would. Twenty years have passed and crime prescribed.
Tackle the novilleros found at the "Charco Lentisco"
was necessary to come to trial - "send eggs!" Would have sentenced the lawyer Federico Trillo-for The three experienced judges who formed the First Section of the Audiencia Provincial de Murcia, Carlos Moreno Millán, Francisco Vinadel and Abdon Diaz Carrillo Suarez knew interpret what the summary 1 / 1990, opened four years ago by the owner of the Court of Instruction No. 1 of Cieza, Pilar Rubio, betrayed and from page 342, belonging to Volume II, which initiated the report on the autopsies. A 47-page document, issued by the forensic just 24 days after committing the murders, which already reviewed in detail that the bullets were of two very different-shot and slugs, and the holes in the bodies grouped into two distinct types of trajectories. More than enough data, apparently to have guessed at that moment of presence of two shotguns and thus also of two shooters.
It was, therefore, until January 7, 1994, the day that the Board read his sentence, when the three judges ordered them to initiate efforts aimed to identify the second perpetrator of the crime. A person who, with José Manuel Yepes, gunned down in cold blood on a cold moonlit night, to Juan Lorenzo Albacete novilleros Franco, "The Loren '; Andres and Juan Carlos Rumbo Panduro. But it was demasido later. At that point, the investigation, as the bodies were rotting. Stank each of its volumes by the succession of different versions, biased, contradictory, incompatible ..., provided over many months by suspects and witnesses.
was necessary to come to trial - "send eggs!" Would have sentenced the lawyer Federico Trillo-for The three experienced judges who formed the First Section of the Audiencia Provincial de Murcia, Carlos Moreno Millán, Francisco Vinadel and Abdon Diaz Carrillo Suarez knew interpret what the summary 1 / 1990, opened four years ago by the owner of the Court of Instruction No. 1 of Cieza, Pilar Rubio, betrayed and from page 342, belonging to Volume II, which initiated the report on the autopsies. A 47-page document, issued by the forensic just 24 days after committing the murders, which already reviewed in detail that the bullets were of two very different-shot and slugs, and the holes in the bodies grouped into two distinct types of trajectories. More than enough data, apparently to have guessed at that moment of presence of two shotguns and thus also of two shooters.
It was, therefore, until January 7, 1994, the day that the Board read his sentence, when the three judges ordered them to initiate efforts aimed to identify the second perpetrator of the crime. A person who, with José Manuel Yepes, gunned down in cold blood on a cold moonlit night, to Juan Lorenzo Albacete novilleros Franco, "The Loren '; Andres and Juan Carlos Rumbo Panduro. But it was demasido later. At that point, the investigation, as the bodies were rotting. Stank each of its volumes by the succession of different versions, biased, contradictory, incompatible ..., provided over many months by suspects and witnesses.
Jose Manuel Yepes, main accused
A skein that was not too busy with their origin, but had gone tangle with each new diligence, with each taking of statements, with each expert automatically or part ..., and four years later the new judge of Instruction 1 of Cieza, Antonio Videres, and was unable to unravel.
Now, after four decades have passed since the crime, there is only room for regret, especially the families of the three deceased, that with each new development on the subject see the wounds reopened pain that has torn so many times their hearts: the release of an involved, the output of the main prison convicted, the sentence that will prevent them from collecting any kind of compensation ... The news with now have stumbled is nothing more enjoyable than the previous. Is derived, quite simply, Article 131 of the Penal Code: "The crimes lapse after 20 years, when the maximum penalty prescribed for the crime is imprisonment for 15 or more years."
Something that resulted in this case means that the second murderer, however much they might be identified today may not be prosecuted, tried, convicted and imprisoned. Ever purge their terrible guilt. What is a free man. Safe. Unpunished. No other threat or load on their person than those derived from their conscience, if anything it works yet.
What happened that night? Cornered and massacred
The Loren, Panduro and Heading were three novilleros Bullfighting School Albacete that the December 1, 1990 they decided to 'do the moon' to the cattle ranch in Mastic Pool in Cieza. The election was far from casual. The Loren and her parents had for years maintained a relationship of close friendship with the property owner, an industrialist from Molina de Segura, Manuel Costa Abellán, who had made a fast fortune with the role of printers and diverted part of the money to satisfy his love of bullfighting. Thus, dreamed of having a herd of wild cattle of some renown and also had taken to the Loren, who defrayed the heifers and for those who had ordered an expensive costume even lights in Madrid.
All went well until the relationship, for reasons never fully clarified, and soured broke, giving way to distrust, suspicion and the desire for revenge. Everything indicates that, somehow, from this distance, the budding torero Juan Lorenzo Franco era had become the property of his former attorney in preferred scenario of some nocturnal movements, which would loosen cattle in the fields, mixed with tame bulls and steers are grappled in the light of the full moon.
Now, after four decades have passed since the crime, there is only room for regret, especially the families of the three deceased, that with each new development on the subject see the wounds reopened pain that has torn so many times their hearts: the release of an involved, the output of the main prison convicted, the sentence that will prevent them from collecting any kind of compensation ... The news with now have stumbled is nothing more enjoyable than the previous. Is derived, quite simply, Article 131 of the Penal Code: "The crimes lapse after 20 years, when the maximum penalty prescribed for the crime is imprisonment for 15 or more years."
Something that resulted in this case means that the second murderer, however much they might be identified today may not be prosecuted, tried, convicted and imprisoned. Ever purge their terrible guilt. What is a free man. Safe. Unpunished. No other threat or load on their person than those derived from their conscience, if anything it works yet.
What happened that night? Cornered and massacred
The Loren, Panduro and Heading were three novilleros Bullfighting School Albacete that the December 1, 1990 they decided to 'do the moon' to the cattle ranch in Mastic Pool in Cieza. The election was far from casual. The Loren and her parents had for years maintained a relationship of close friendship with the property owner, an industrialist from Molina de Segura, Manuel Costa Abellán, who had made a fast fortune with the role of printers and diverted part of the money to satisfy his love of bullfighting. Thus, dreamed of having a herd of wild cattle of some renown and also had taken to the Loren, who defrayed the heifers and for those who had ordered an expensive costume even lights in Madrid.
All went well until the relationship, for reasons never fully clarified, and soured broke, giving way to distrust, suspicion and the desire for revenge. Everything indicates that, somehow, from this distance, the budding torero Juan Lorenzo Franco era had become the property of his former attorney in preferred scenario of some nocturnal movements, which would loosen cattle in the fields, mixed with tame bulls and steers are grappled in the light of the full moon.
Reconstruction of the facts by the judge
goes without saying that those facts were not well received by the employer or by the people of trust, a ricoteño based in Cieza, named José Yepes Saorin, and two of his sons, Jose Manuel, 19, and Pedro Antonio, of15, who was employed in farming.
car the night they all had dinner at Jose Yepes and between one and three in the morning, knowing that the moon was full and it was right time for a new invasion farm, Manuel Costa, José Manuel and Pedro Antonio they drove to Charco Mastic, also accompanied by his wife and youngest son of the former. They had barely gotten
the Toyota Celica and the access road when they saw the cattle removed and three human figures running between them. Descended from the brothers jumped Yepes, took a shotgun Franchi who had kept in the trunk, and began cross-country pursuit of the intruders. And at first one of them was wounded by gunfire, like Andrew Panduro, who was hit by dozens of pellets in his buttocks.
Terrified, lacerated by the leads, the valise were herded into a crossroads, a distance of about 300 meters from the farm. Land on a slope at the edge of an almond orchard, stood José Manuel Yepes, which gave him total control over a scenario eerily clear and lit by the full moon. Down, standing on the road itself, the 'faceless murderer, "a man well known and certainly Costa employee, had cut his career after three novilleros coming from an opposite direction.
"They all were shouting, kill them!, Not kill them!, Shoot! ... They got me all mad because I lost the nerves, "he confessed later before Judge José Manuel Yepes, describing starkly those moments before the shots that seemed suspended in time on the frosted branches of almond trees.
goes without saying that those facts were not well received by the employer or by the people of trust, a ricoteño based in Cieza, named José Yepes Saorin, and two of his sons, Jose Manuel, 19, and Pedro Antonio, of15, who was employed in farming.
car the night they all had dinner at Jose Yepes and between one and three in the morning, knowing that the moon was full and it was right time for a new invasion farm, Manuel Costa, José Manuel and Pedro Antonio they drove to Charco Mastic, also accompanied by his wife and youngest son of the former. They had barely gotten
the Toyota Celica and the access road when they saw the cattle removed and three human figures running between them. Descended from the brothers jumped Yepes, took a shotgun Franchi who had kept in the trunk, and began cross-country pursuit of the intruders. And at first one of them was wounded by gunfire, like Andrew Panduro, who was hit by dozens of pellets in his buttocks.
Terrified, lacerated by the leads, the valise were herded into a crossroads, a distance of about 300 meters from the farm. Land on a slope at the edge of an almond orchard, stood José Manuel Yepes, which gave him total control over a scenario eerily clear and lit by the full moon. Down, standing on the road itself, the 'faceless murderer, "a man well known and certainly Costa employee, had cut his career after three novilleros coming from an opposite direction.
"They all were shouting, kill them!, Not kill them!, Shoot! ... They got me all mad because I lost the nerves, "he confessed later before Judge José Manuel Yepes, describing starkly those moments before the shots that seemed suspended in time on the frosted branches of almond trees.
Burial of Albacete
Novilleros Twelve shots did the boy, who hit in the head, shoulders, at the mouth, arms ... Albacete youth. At least two more made the other murderer, two cartuchazos of posts, apparently made by a classic double-barreled shotgun, of which not automatically eject the empty pods. He took out the cartridges and had fired and are kept in a pocket, because, unlike what happened the casings by José Manuel Yepes, wielding a semiautomatic Franchi, were not found in the area.
In turn, Manuel Costa, who had arrived on the scene at the wheel of his Toyota, "did nothing to prevent murders," as was reflected in the sentence, despite pleas from The Loren, who shouted his name and cried for mercy .
Errors "in the investigation?
all failed from the beginning
The investigation of the incident was flawed from the outset by several circumstances. The first, the fact that the murderers after committing the crime and have shuffled and discarded several options to get rid of the bodies and burned and buried in quicklime, ran to Murcia to find a lawyer, Manuel Martinez Garrido, who had worked on occasion for companies Costa.
At the time until covenció Costa to surrender to the Civil Guard, which occurred about six o'clock in the morning, it could give some advice to 'minimize' the consequences of the terrible event. There is nothing in the record so stated, but nobody would have understood otherwise act in a lawyer. Not even have been honest to have acted differently.
Novilleros Twelve shots did the boy, who hit in the head, shoulders, at the mouth, arms ... Albacete youth. At least two more made the other murderer, two cartuchazos of posts, apparently made by a classic double-barreled shotgun, of which not automatically eject the empty pods. He took out the cartridges and had fired and are kept in a pocket, because, unlike what happened the casings by José Manuel Yepes, wielding a semiautomatic Franchi, were not found in the area.
In turn, Manuel Costa, who had arrived on the scene at the wheel of his Toyota, "did nothing to prevent murders," as was reflected in the sentence, despite pleas from The Loren, who shouted his name and cried for mercy .
Errors "in the investigation?
all failed from the beginning
The investigation of the incident was flawed from the outset by several circumstances. The first, the fact that the murderers after committing the crime and have shuffled and discarded several options to get rid of the bodies and burned and buried in quicklime, ran to Murcia to find a lawyer, Manuel Martinez Garrido, who had worked on occasion for companies Costa.
At the time until covenció Costa to surrender to the Civil Guard, which occurred about six o'clock in the morning, it could give some advice to 'minimize' the consequences of the terrible event. There is nothing in the record so stated, but nobody would have understood otherwise act in a lawyer. Not even have been honest to have acted differently.
Murders The truth is that between Yepes and Costa was able to improvise a plan that, in short, and as can be gleaned from the numerous statements in the summary procedure, would have been to the lesser of Yepes, Pedro Antonio, 15, is inculparía of the three deaths, was the most advantageous option for everyone, because as a minor could not be detained, "no mention of the person would be wielding the second gun, and Costa, who would be responsible to pay all costs of defense, would be exonerated the triple murder-this happened in the first statements, "noting that it had come with his car when everything had already happened.
Another factor that undoubtedly had its influence on the course of the investigation was the fact that the judge Pilar Rubio, without much experience behind them and still, understandably, no experience in a matter of such magnitude, himself assume the full weight of the investigation, including directing the first shots of statements from suspects.
Contrary to usual in these cases, relegated to specialists of the Judicial Police of the Guardia Civil, who had no opportunity to question those involved and, in general, were injured, none and thereafter discouraged to ruthlessly competing on the matter.
The outcome of the investigation process was not entirely unhappy nevertheless, it was achieved partially disassemble the frame, it was established that most of the shots had made the most of the brothers Yepes, José Manuel, and proved in court the "assistance needed" the farmer in murders . Worst of all, it never came to work seriously with the hypothesis that there had been a second gunman. And, as has been described, although since the first steps are peering data clearly pointed in this direction.
Murders The truth is that between Yepes and Costa was able to improvise a plan that, in short, and as can be gleaned from the numerous statements in the summary procedure, would have been to the lesser of Yepes, Pedro Antonio, 15, is inculparía of the three deaths, was the most advantageous option for everyone, because as a minor could not be detained, "no mention of the person would be wielding the second gun, and Costa, who would be responsible to pay all costs of defense, would be exonerated the triple murder-this happened in the first statements, "noting that it had come with his car when everything had already happened.
Another factor that undoubtedly had its influence on the course of the investigation was the fact that the judge Pilar Rubio, without much experience behind them and still, understandably, no experience in a matter of such magnitude, himself assume the full weight of the investigation, including directing the first shots of statements from suspects.
Contrary to usual in these cases, relegated to specialists of the Judicial Police of the Guardia Civil, who had no opportunity to question those involved and, in general, were injured, none and thereafter discouraged to ruthlessly competing on the matter.
The outcome of the investigation process was not entirely unhappy nevertheless, it was achieved partially disassemble the frame, it was established that most of the shots had made the most of the brothers Yepes, José Manuel, and proved in court the "assistance needed" the farmer in murders . Worst of all, it never came to work seriously with the hypothesis that there had been a second gunman. And, as has been described, although since the first steps are peering data clearly pointed in this direction.
The Loren, along with his father, teacher and substance Damaso Gonzalez, Rafi Vine at a festival in Albacete
The father of the unconfirmed suspicion
When the District Court ruled that the materials had been two murderers, and ordered the reopening of the record in Cieza to try to identify the 'faceless men', many eyes were focused on José Yepes, father of two employees of Costa. Not in vain had all the tricks to become suspicious: it was someone very close to the rest of those involved, their children have never reported, all participants in the crime had dined at his house the night in question and, while their offspring always claimed that he had been asleep, then fell into the account of his wife, Josefa, had said in his first statement to the Guardia Civil, José Yepes had left in his own car to the farm, following the rest. Subsequent interrogation
rectified as compromising women rally, and said he had been misunderstood. More data
José Yepes were pointed towards a path that started from his house just in the crossroads at which they executed the three bullfighters, which opened the assumption that he could have surrounded arriving by air. And even claimed to have no gun, the second weapon was never found, "the Civil Guard found in his home a cartridge belt with cartridges.
The father of the unconfirmed suspicion
When the District Court ruled that the materials had been two murderers, and ordered the reopening of the record in Cieza to try to identify the 'faceless men', many eyes were focused on José Yepes, father of two employees of Costa. Not in vain had all the tricks to become suspicious: it was someone very close to the rest of those involved, their children have never reported, all participants in the crime had dined at his house the night in question and, while their offspring always claimed that he had been asleep, then fell into the account of his wife, Josefa, had said in his first statement to the Guardia Civil, José Yepes had left in his own car to the farm, following the rest. Subsequent interrogation
rectified as compromising women rally, and said he had been misunderstood. More data
José Yepes were pointed towards a path that started from his house just in the crossroads at which they executed the three bullfighters, which opened the assumption that he could have surrounded arriving by air. And even claimed to have no gun, the second weapon was never found, "the Civil Guard found in his home a cartridge belt with cartridges.
José Yepes, father of the accused
The suspicions and evidence in any case, never found the backing of solid evidence and the matter ended up sleeping the sleep of the righteous. Not even the promise of benefits received prison Manuel Costa, in exchange for revealing the name of another murderer, had no effect. The farmer always had his lips sewn so, according to some associates, was the absolute consciousness that betrayal cost him his life.
feared being killed if he spoke, but no silence became for him a guarantee of longevity. In April 2008, just months after of his release, a stroke took him to the grave. And in the same coffin was buried in his well-kept secret.
If you had little to fear the 'murderer with no name' from that moment, any anxiety will have dissipated with the performance, the last day 1, the twentieth anniversary of the triple murder. The offense has prescribed. A ruthless criminal will never get the punishment they deserved.
The suspicions and evidence in any case, never found the backing of solid evidence and the matter ended up sleeping the sleep of the righteous. Not even the promise of benefits received prison Manuel Costa, in exchange for revealing the name of another murderer, had no effect. The farmer always had his lips sewn so, according to some associates, was the absolute consciousness that betrayal cost him his life.
feared being killed if he spoke, but no silence became for him a guarantee of longevity. In April 2008, just months after of his release, a stroke took him to the grave. And in the same coffin was buried in his well-kept secret.
If you had little to fear the 'murderer with no name' from that moment, any anxiety will have dissipated with the performance, the last day 1, the twentieth anniversary of the triple murder. The offense has prescribed. A ruthless criminal will never get the punishment they deserved.
Article of 19/12/1910 -
Ricardo Fernandez - La Verdad de Murcia-
Ricardo Fernandez - La Verdad de Murcia-
Sunday, December 19, 2010
After Period Having Dry Cervical Mucus
Rafaelillo, "reappears" in the field ... Water takes over
The corral was masterfully directed by Jorge Ibañez , who with the quality of one of the calves, do not hesitate to take the crutch to enjoy the onslaught of one of its "Nunez."
Rafaelillo will continue with his rehab, because even leads the points positions, and past the holiday season, began an intensive preparation in the field ahead of the first fairs.
The evening of Friday 17, Bravo Murcia bullfighter, Rafael Rubio "Rafaelillo ", was tested in the field, after the mishap the day on December 1 in the square of Quito (Ecuador).
One of the calves started to cite the chopper "The Puchana"
Rafaelillo tento 3 calves in the breeding of D. Azorin Ibañez Nazario, whose cattle graze on the farm "The Moratillas " in the term of Yecla Murcia .
The sumptuous and comfortable indoor space groping was a meeting place for guests of the family Ibañez, finding among other things, the various media from Murcia, the gang's own Rafaelillo and some friends dexter Carmen district.
The beautiful modern marina Nazario groping Ibañez
Rafaelillo tentadero shared with the matador Albacete, Ruben Pinar , torero very connected to this house, where he lives almost daily ..
Rafaelillo tentadero shared with the matador Albacete, Ruben Pinar , torero very connected to this house, where he lives almost daily ..
Ruben Pinar in its "home"
manchego The bullfighter was accompanied by his mentor, the great Santiago Lopez and Manuel Montoya banderillero, love of friends ..
The corral was masterfully directed by Jorge Ibañez , who with the quality of one of the calves, do not hesitate to take the crutch to enjoy the onslaught of one of its "Nunez."
A Rafaelillo was seen phenomenal in the face of the calves, which served to demonstrate that they have lost the site, and that goes even better than before, as if nothing had happened in Quito .
He never tired of being in the face of animals, and demonstrated a great setup, solving the complications that occurred in varying degrees some calves.
bullfighting with his left
On the wall were the novilleros Albacete Jose Ignacio Rodriguez and Alberto Pozo , and the last scion of the saga Esplá , Santiago, son of Juan Antonio Espla .
On the wall were the novilleros Albacete Jose Ignacio Rodriguez and Alberto Pozo , and the last scion of the saga Esplá , Santiago, son of Juan Antonio Espla .
Rafaelillo will continue with his rehab, because even leads the points positions, and past the holiday season, began an intensive preparation in the field ahead of the first fairs.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
3 Fingers Out What Does It Mean?
Did you know ...
... on the planet, about 400 million people have sex now?
... during the kiss, some 40 thousand bacteria are passed from one mouth to another?
... if the sun were the size of a beach ball, Jupiter would be the size of a golf ball and the Earth would be a pea?
Friday, December 10, 2010
Gay Las Vegas Dark Room
County Jaén ...
Water extragear days past did, runs and flows through cattle pastures Jaén County
The farms are selfless water streams flow endlessly, in this case Remonta meadow in Santisteban del Puerto.
eral Los Utrera and ski lifts are installed in the upper parts to escape the muddy areas
And so the claws are soft for more .. in this picture we see Utrera "Zingaro", # 1 G-08, of Traces, which was pardoned in July at a festival in Los Gallardos (Almeria) by Jesus de Almeria matador ..
Water extragear days past did, runs and flows through cattle pastures Jaén County
The farms are selfless water streams flow endlessly, in this case Remonta meadow in Santisteban del Puerto.
eral Los Utrera and ski lifts are installed in the upper parts to escape the muddy areas
And so the claws are soft for more .. in this picture we see Utrera "Zingaro", # 1 G-08, of Traces, which was pardoned in July at a festival in Los Gallardos (Almeria) by Jesus de Almeria matador ..
Saturday, December 4, 2010
What Color Tie Should I Use With A Grey Shirt
Abbas would dissolve the Palestinian Authority if no agreement
In a television interview, Abbas said that if Israel fails to halt construction in settlements and peace talks backed by the United States is broken, he will push for the end of limited Palestinian self-rule in the occupied territory.
"I can not continue as president of an authority that exists," said Abbas, referring the continued occupation of the West Bank by Israel.
Pressed by the interviewer about whether he meant that dissolve the Palestinian Authority, said: "It's I'm saying. I tell them you are welcome (...) occupants. You're here, stay here, I can not accept that the situation remains like this."
The Palestinian Authority was established following an interim peace accord with Israel in 1993 that gave Palestinians limited autonomy in the West Bank, territory Israel captured in the Six Day War in 1967 and which Palestinians want to build their state .
Palestinian officials have expressed growing frustration over stalled talks with Israel sponsored by Washington, which remained at a standstill shortly after resumed in September by the Israeli settlement issue.
Abbas also reiterated a Palestinian demand for a halt to construction in settlements, which deprives the Palestinians claim the territory for a viable state.
For more information about the history of Palestine (before the occupation), now the Palestinian Authority is recommended:
Source: News
"Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Friday raised the possibility of dissolving the Palestinian Authority if you can not reach a peace agreement with Israel and the world does not recognize a Palestinian state . "
In a television interview, Abbas said that if Israel fails to halt construction in settlements and peace talks backed by the United States is broken, he will push for the end of limited Palestinian self-rule in the occupied territory.
"I can not continue as president of an authority that exists," said Abbas, referring the continued occupation of the West Bank by Israel.
Pressed by the interviewer about whether he meant that dissolve the Palestinian Authority, said: "It's I'm saying. I tell them you are welcome (...) occupants. You're here, stay here, I can not accept that the situation remains like this."
The Palestinian Authority was established following an interim peace accord with Israel in 1993 that gave Palestinians limited autonomy in the West Bank, territory Israel captured in the Six Day War in 1967 and which Palestinians want to build their state .
Palestinian officials have expressed growing frustration over stalled talks with Israel sponsored by Washington, which remained at a standstill shortly after resumed in September by the Israeli settlement issue.
Abbas also reiterated a Palestinian demand for a halt to construction in settlements, which deprives the Palestinians claim the territory for a viable state.
For more information about the history of Palestine (before the occupation), now the Palestinian Authority is recommended:
Source: News
Friday, December 3, 2010
Can Gonherra Remain Dormant?
Steers for Flying
These are some of the bulls to be fought in the VI Festival Banderillos Murcianos , to be held on 12th December at the bullring Los Felices (Molina Segura).
No. 30 G-08 of Gerardo Ortega, Antonio Bed
No. 61 G-08, for Manuel Ramos "Parrita"
Group Photo of all the performers with the farmer
No. 52 G-08 for Antonio Soriano
These are some of the bulls to be fought in the VI Festival Banderillos Murcianos , to be held on 12th December at the bullring Los Felices (Molina Segura).
No. 30 G-08 of Gerardo Ortega, Antonio Bed
No. 61 G-08, for Manuel Ramos "Parrita"
Group Photo of all the performers with the farmer
No. 52 G-08 for Antonio Soriano
No. 20 g-08 for Jose Sanchez "Moreneta
The poster, with steers from the herd "Bulls Gerardo Ortega" Huelva, which make up the banderilleros:
RAFAEL FRAMES Gang formed by the matador Emilio Laserna novilleros and Enrique Portillo and Child Quarter
RAFAEL FRAMES Gang formed by the matador Emilio Laserna novilleros and Enrique Portillo and Child Quarter
ANTONIO SORIANO gang formed by the murderers Antonio Jose Lopez "El Rubio" and Pablo Lechuga
MANUEL RAMOS "PARRITA " gang formed by the matador Alfonso Romero and Pablo novilleros Belando and Villaverde Vicente
JUAN SORIANO crew consists the novilleros Victor Molina and Miguel Angel Moreno
MORA JOSE Gang formed by the murderers Rafael Rubio "Rafaelillo" Luis Sanchez "Guerrita " the bullfighter Miguel Sanchez "The Balsiqueño " BED
ANTONIO Crew novilleros formed by Antonio Puerta, Francisco Montiel and David Lorente
ANTONIO Crew novilleros formed by Antonio Puerta, Francisco Montiel and David Lorente
JOSE SANCHEZ "MORENETA " Gang formed by the bullfighter Juan Orenes "Maera " and retired deputy Pedro Andreu "THE MELILLANO"
Best Convertor For Us To Europe
The True Story of Christmas
What we call "Christmas" is the result of a mixture of traditions pagan colorful and interesting.
First, at the dawn of the Christian era no one was sure of the date on which Jesus was born. It was evident that in December and January gave-and gives-the lowest temperatures (up to 0.1 below zero degrees Celsius) and higher rainfall (up to 187 mm), so it was impossible that pastors pit discovered asleep while tending cattle, wrote San Lucas-Syrian doctor who converted to Christianity many years after the death of Jesus, because during this period, including February, men and cattle slept indoors. It was so absurd that the population census -Ordered by Quirinus, governor of Syria - will be held during these dates, in the cold, rain and flooded roads and slippery that would make it impossible to walk to their places of origin, as is the case of Joseph and Mary .
thus began to speculate on the following dates: 16 or 20 May, 9, 19 or April 20, 1929 March or September 29? until the year 334 by Pope Julius I decided that Jesus was born on December 25, period. Date was not random because, as Desmond Morris tells us in Christmas Traditions, coincided with the festivities that were held in many of the movement of pilgrims during the Winter Solstice: ceremonies Viking in honor of Odin, the Roman Saturnalia, the birth of Indo-Iranian god Mithra, etc.. Hence the birth of Jesus the Christ has been easily assimilated into the sun's return, the return of light.
It seems that Jesus was born 6 years before his supposed birth, because censuses are conducted every 14 years and the last was in 20 BC.
Another pagan Christmas is the tree, since as we have seen, many people worshiped them a handful of trees considered sacred for many reasons. The most common, from Greece to Norway was the oak, but with the coming of Christianity was changed by the unmoved fir oak because, as the missionaries, the triangular shape of the branches correspond to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This three magic permeated very good everywhere as it was a number revered by many people thousands of years before the coming of Jesus, and thus quite unique and fir prevailed with the passing of the centuries the pines.
And while we're on the subject of trees during this time had become a habit The ancient painted and jeweled colored fabrics, with the dual purpose of "dressing" trees that had been "naked" after the fall, it is without its respective "spirit" and on the other hand getting the " spirit "that had escaped from the back trees to bear fruit in spring, as indeed happened to the delight of all.
Another pagan element is, of course, Santa Claus, who initially was the Grandfather Winter entertained the Vikings to make it benevolent, and when the time, departed without resentment to give way to new life. Once Christianized and, following the Viking custom, Bretons Old Father Christmas called them: one character is dressed with great joy the town offered him food and drink in abundance until their departure.

What we call "Christmas" is the result of a mixture of traditions pagan colorful and interesting.
First, at the dawn of the Christian era no one was sure of the date on which Jesus was born. It was evident that in December and January gave-and gives-the lowest temperatures (up to 0.1 below zero degrees Celsius) and higher rainfall (up to 187 mm), so it was impossible that pastors pit discovered asleep while tending cattle, wrote San Lucas-Syrian doctor who converted to Christianity many years after the death of Jesus, because during this period, including February, men and cattle slept indoors. It was so absurd that the population census -Ordered by Quirinus, governor of Syria - will be held during these dates, in the cold, rain and flooded roads and slippery that would make it impossible to walk to their places of origin, as is the case of Joseph and Mary .
thus began to speculate on the following dates: 16 or 20 May, 9, 19 or April 20, 1929 March or September 29? until the year 334 by Pope Julius I decided that Jesus was born on December 25, period. Date was not random because, as Desmond Morris tells us in Christmas Traditions, coincided with the festivities that were held in many of the movement of pilgrims during the Winter Solstice: ceremonies Viking in honor of Odin, the Roman Saturnalia, the birth of Indo-Iranian god Mithra, etc.. Hence the birth of Jesus the Christ has been easily assimilated into the sun's return, the return of light.
It seems that Jesus was born 6 years before his supposed birth, because censuses are conducted every 14 years and the last was in 20 BC.
Another pagan Christmas is the tree, since as we have seen, many people worshiped them a handful of trees considered sacred for many reasons. The most common, from Greece to Norway was the oak, but with the coming of Christianity was changed by the unmoved fir oak because, as the missionaries, the triangular shape of the branches correspond to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This three magic permeated very good everywhere as it was a number revered by many people thousands of years before the coming of Jesus, and thus quite unique and fir prevailed with the passing of the centuries the pines.

And while we're on the subject of trees during this time had become a habit The ancient painted and jeweled colored fabrics, with the dual purpose of "dressing" trees that had been "naked" after the fall, it is without its respective "spirit" and on the other hand getting the " spirit "that had escaped from the back trees to bear fruit in spring, as indeed happened to the delight of all.
Another pagan element is, of course, Santa Claus, who initially was the Grandfather Winter entertained the Vikings to make it benevolent, and when the time, departed without resentment to give way to new life. Once Christianized and, following the Viking custom, Bretons Old Father Christmas called them: one character is dressed with great joy the town offered him food and drink in abundance until their departure.
Over time, Father Winter or Santa Claus, was confused with St. Nicholas, a very rich man born in what is now Turkey and famous for his generosity to the poor, especially with children. It is the man who became bishop, and later a saint, the Dutch took him special affection and called in their language Sinter Klaas (Saint Nicholas), and this name came to America, specifically to New Amsterdam then the English renamed New York. With time and the waters Christmas, Sinter Klaas became the famous Santa Claus (Jo Jo Jo), ie, Santa Claus, that is, in the Father Winter.
And about this character, the Lapps see how every time he was coming on (Father) winter, reindeer herds began to fall from mountains to the valleys less whipped by icy winds. Aware of this legend, or at least that is what Desmond Morris, the poet Clement Moore joined the reindeer to his famous poem "A Visit from Saint Nicholas ", back in 1824. Since then the reindeer have gone before the coach of Santa Claus, and it is feared that Rudolph the reindeer, which has a red nose like a tomato, is part of the entourage.

Christmas is a big lie, another great pufazo a scam Media, a continuation of pagan rites and celebrations held since antiquity where slaves were carousing, drinking, dancing, etc, is more than clear to whom is the conclusion (antichrist) at this time of the Illuminati exploit for their own, raising taxes, causing disasters in short, is a question of examining the facts, they do work with the schedule is, as we are conditioned to a schedule inaccurate, making it also be slaves of time and monthly celebrations (_ day, Christmas, Valentine, etc) all they want is to keep entertaining, your money and you support this great consumerist and materialistic society, while your daily duties are abolished and destroyed.

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Wikileaks document leaked by being the first to departing Colombia is broadcast
According to the document, the first originating in Colombia is disclosed, an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned the situation to the then U.S. ambassador in Bogota, William Brownfield, who then reported it to Washington.
The Colombian official raised "the hypothesis that some Cubans have the desire to escape the regime, while others may be using a Colombian identity as a cover for intelligence operations in Cuba."
Cuba is a close ally of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez.
Chávez remained a tense and troubled relationship with former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, whose government made complaints about the support of Venezuela Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the smaller National Liberation Army (ELN), which the Venezuelan leader refused.
But the document does not raise any possible relationship between intelligence work in Cuba and Venezuela.
The document, labeled "sensitive", the head of the passport office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia, Mauritius Steel also reported intentions of Syrians, Jordanians, Palestinians ( misinterpretation by the Fascist Government Uribe Xenophobia confused with terrorism, members of Hamas and Fatah, but Palestinians do not, because few can go that the authoritarian state of Israel does not allow ) and Venezuelan citizenship fraudulently obtained Colombian.
After the publication of some 250,000 documents classified information reported by United States embassies around the world to the State Department, Washington announced increased security to prevent leaks of its diplomatic corps.
United States condemned what it called "reckless and dangerous actions" WikiLeaks to disclose classified diplomatic reports, and said it could endanger lives and damage relations with friendly countries.
Colombia on Monday deplored the leaking of diplomatic documents United States and expressed solidarity with the government of President Barack Obama for what he called "a huge risk to the safety of American people and its officials."
Colombia in October 2009 warned U.S. about the apparent intention of Cuban citizens to obtain citizenship of the South American country to covert intelligence operations for Havana, said Tuesday WikiLeaks.
According to the document, the first originating in Colombia is disclosed, an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned the situation to the then U.S. ambassador in Bogota, William Brownfield, who then reported it to Washington.
The Colombian official raised "the hypothesis that some Cubans have the desire to escape the regime, while others may be using a Colombian identity as a cover for intelligence operations in Cuba."
Cuba is a close ally of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez.
Chávez remained a tense and troubled relationship with former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, whose government made complaints about the support of Venezuela Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the smaller National Liberation Army (ELN), which the Venezuelan leader refused.
But the document does not raise any possible relationship between intelligence work in Cuba and Venezuela.
The document, labeled "sensitive", the head of the passport office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia, Mauritius Steel also reported intentions of Syrians, Jordanians, Palestinians (
After the publication of some 250,000 documents classified information reported by United States embassies around the world to the State Department, Washington announced increased security to prevent leaks of its diplomatic corps.
United States condemned what it called "reckless and dangerous actions" WikiLeaks to disclose classified diplomatic reports, and said it could endanger lives and damage relations with friendly countries.
Colombia on Monday deplored the leaking of diplomatic documents United States and expressed solidarity with the government of President Barack Obama for what he called "a huge risk to the safety of American people and its officials."
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