(Javi preparation in The departure of Guiana)
After much prodding at the end could not put it off longer and seek a place to visit and I assure you it was worth. North
As people they are, we are simple and straightforward with warmth.
The truth is that the visit we learned a little, both by its people as their areas of operation and landscapes.
After much prodding at the end could not put it off longer and seek a place to visit and I assure you it was worth. North
As people they are, we are simple and straightforward with warmth.
The truth is that the visit we learned a little, both by its people as their areas of operation and landscapes.
I'll show pictures speak for themselves.
an appetizer, Oskar took us to the Quiana, (in some places appears as the Guiana). What are the first pictures you see. With a drop of about 1040 meters. We said it was a little technical for me it was much, so that I did in tandem, and what tandem! I will say that I found a flight soothing, because I needed to experience turbulence and heat, but were mild in the hands of an expert to be regaining confidence, but I am quite the tran, tran, for the few flights that I have done since September past. And what else I can say without much roll up, for to give you an idea Oskar piloting the tandem as if it were
is a car, awesome!
reminds me a little Javier del Valle, because like him, not only the first flying that was also because it is flying Sino ALL (paragliding, hang gliding, paramotor and ultralight). Watching him reminded me of flying book I'm reading, The Name of the Wind, because I assure you he does know his name. Just had to stay with his hang glider was fighting tooth and nail, to spend an hour flying. It was almost seven in the evening, so how could not stay so long, but it is clear that wind has no secrets for him. Roberto
kindly made Wind Dummy and told us as were the conditions that we were a great help because the early afternoon the conditions were too
s slut to enjoy the flight.
kindly made Wind Dummy and told us as were the conditions that we were a great help because the early afternoon the conditions were too
(First photo: Sino and Roberto) ( Second photo: Javi flying Gistredo). In
(Left: Taking Gistredo).
Although we forgot to take pictures, we went to another launch, San Cristobal. That stayed with Paul and Jose. Interestingly
take off and land in the same venturi. Yes, that I said. Apparently it has excellent conditions for flight slope and sets every evening, except the evening we went. But hey did not seem to know a day lost elsewhere. There
Paul was telling the little intricacies of flight, because apparently it is an easy place to fly. We also insisted I pointed out to us to your next appointment to the month of October ends with a queimada. These northern
how well it is mounted. So if you feel like flying in the Bierzo in October that people welcome you with open arms, because they can not do otherwise. Oce
you said there was little sun sails, as Paul flies a Synergy1 and is delighted. In these places candles
a school, like you do not see, so I told you that they are the lords of the wind. They have a good club
mounted and give you an idea of \u200b\u200bhow they are, offer free hosting. Maybe in the autumn and winter is not too warm to stay, but in spring and summer he can be use.
If you want to know more about them, this is your page:
take off and land in the same venturi. Yes, that I said. Apparently it has excellent conditions for flight slope and sets every evening, except the evening we went. But hey did not seem to know a day lost elsewhere. There
Paul was telling the little intricacies of flight, because apparently it is an easy place to fly. We also insisted I pointed out to us to your next appointment to the month of October ends with a queimada. These northern
how well it is mounted. So if you feel like flying in the Bierzo in October that people welcome you with open arms, because they can not do otherwise. Oce
you said there was little sun sails, as Paul flies a Synergy1 and is delighted. In these places candles
a school, like you do not see, so I told you that they are the lords of the wind. They have a good club
mounted and give you an idea of \u200b\u200bhow they are, offer free hosting. Maybe in the autumn and winter is not too warm to stay, but in spring and summer he can be use.
If you want to know more about them, this is your page: