Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sorority Recommendation Letter
Chest The Magic Mountain ... Next time
The day promised, but the truth is that the proverb was true. And that's, who gets up God help him, was fulfilled.
Chiqui, Javi and I arrived early, as I continue with my need for early flights and calm down a flight waiting for the valley should be still fresh and stretching, but the end was not as cool as anticipated. Well, better, and was full of contrasts that I waited this morning and of course I was a smooth flight.
That and I'm still not for certain feelings, ... because I did not pleasant.
Well I guess the sooner it passes better, or that's what I try to convince me.
Curiously, Chiqui and I went out together to fly and we made our flight two fifty-three, and we both made little grace! :-)))
Later Reuben came and JuanMa and became the owners of the hillside.
The late riser, Pepa, Laura and Jose, joined us an hour later and between health and up, the thing was a bit harder to leave when we take off where it was Carmen. But at least they enjoyed some of the competitive environment he had at launch and know the place.
sample group for a photo.
And we share the moments prior to departure with Ivan, our current competition pilot.
That is in its first year, the most important. Where everything is to see and learn and be as established by the future basis of a great driver of competition.
And that just happened to Oce last year (second curiosity of the day), Ivan is also a little allergic to electronic gadgets. Here's what I say: birds of a feather flock together.
But hey, all part of learning, right?
Luck Ivan!
The day could take another form, for our happy group above might make a good account of a tasty lamb for lunch, so refunds can not fly the cabinets, it was not so sad after all.
The day promised, but the truth is that the proverb was true. And that's, who gets up God help him, was fulfilled.
Chiqui, Javi and I arrived early, as I continue with my need for early flights and calm down a flight waiting for the valley should be still fresh and stretching, but the end was not as cool as anticipated. Well, better, and was full of contrasts that I waited this morning and of course I was a smooth flight.
That and I'm still not for certain feelings, ... because I did not pleasant.
Well I guess the sooner it passes better, or that's what I try to convince me.
Curiously, Chiqui and I went out together to fly and we made our flight two fifty-three, and we both made little grace! :-)))
Later Reuben came and JuanMa and became the owners of the hillside.
The late riser, Pepa, Laura and Jose, joined us an hour later and between health and up, the thing was a bit harder to leave when we take off where it was Carmen. But at least they enjoyed some of the competitive environment he had at launch and know the place.
sample group for a photo.
And we share the moments prior to departure with Ivan, our current competition pilot.
And that just happened to Oce last year (second curiosity of the day), Ivan is also a little allergic to electronic gadgets. Here's what I say: birds of a feather flock together.
But hey, all part of learning, right?
Luck Ivan!
The day could take another form, for our happy group above might make a good account of a tasty lamb for lunch, so refunds can not fly the cabinets, it was not so sad after all.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Skinny Women, Big Tits
Smiles "and" Tears "in Piedrahita
Pilot Hi @ s
The usual

Pilot Hi @ s
Although the title is a bit exaggerated, I could not think one that could express what happened in Piedrahita this weekend. and also does not seem fair I have only good flight.
Anyway, this week there is a preparatory year's World Cup coming in Piedrahita and I do not want to miss.
We present here on Saturday at 11 am, already breathing room flight, the pilots saw their bags from one place to another, Carmen and I settled on a farm and went straight to the launch, people were already up, but soon began to arrive, was the area known yy many others of all nationalities as expected.
The world began on Sunday, but people wanted to fly.
I prepare early, as usual, to avoid hassles, you could hear comments that would be a tough day but fit to fly, I was nervous, the pilots are very level and and had clear, liarla wanted.
I started out I was hooked to the chair and did my little pre-flight review, the right wing did not seem right, and decided to release it, fat mistake entering gusts and one band off my hands, began to roll and Liars, Carmen held the other plane, while I tried sliding the band loose, a driver offered to help without hesitation and I unwind the slings. Just before inflating, Carmen told me to review the other side, but I had reviewed previously and was well and not let go and could not have been entangled., She insisted, but said it was fine. So inflated and as it was a bit strong I turned around quickly and take the body, was in the high take-off and as it advanced the candle I had only to warp, something was not right, sit before the bands look and let out a Fuck me!, the right wing was flipped, not rotated, but flipped, as if the passage across between the slings, I truly believe that I kept his cool and thought about the options, the first thing I did was put my hand on the handle of the parachute a few seconds, it was almost impossible to apply the brakes from the remote because it was very hard and touched all the slings and could cut, so I grabbed the top, the right wing just wanted to step forward and could not help curb that side, over the day was not exactly quiet, in fact a thermal of +6.5 me further complicates the issue, when I realized I could control the situation, find a more or less safe landing, the first option was a field to the left quite broad, but could not arrive, so choose one The two pilots had landed. had much inclination, and was almost under me, and I wanted to avoid having to approach traffic, but I had another, I went to test the parachute handle and started to make the widest possible eight, fell a few meters and breeze coming up the hill again raise me, when I got to have the floor next to three feet slow down with all my heart and touch the ground in a soft green field, snorted, had was 8 min. downhill, look at the slings and Carmen put the band appeared, told him the story as we climbed on takeoff and I thought I could not miss that day of flight.
Carmen already in the room told me that she had seen some slings that looked like they were wrong and the attempt to place in good faith, so insisted that I look up that band, do not know if that was the reason mishap, so I just ran a veil.
started up again, now do!, And whereas before I could not lose, now I could not go up, nada, a small bubble that did not succeed to turn, I started down, my head was not in place, nerves, stress and the bad start I took their toll, and no option addresses what I believe the landing of -4 descendants now put me in distress, a medium voltage line passed about 25 meters from my feet, I look at the landing, but did not arrive, I thought about the cables and saw no choice but to go straight, the landing was smooth, right between the edge of two fields, but the candle fell back up a tree, I was next to the candle in the other slings and above, I could not believe, and how over the years I think my soon wears off, I could just give up and start removing the glider that mess, a 2h, I did carefully and nothing happened, no broken that I've ever seen.
The day was not only bad for me, there were several injuries and the helicopter had to intervene to bring a driver with a broken leg in a place inaccessible to an evacuation on foot.
succeeded, in some cases by more than 200 km. I'll settle for a last minute refund.
Sunday if it was better, and even those who did not compete did not let us leave until 4 o'clock, I got me a good flight and beat my own record of 3609 m height, a marvel.
And as I said once, with the backpack experiences a little fuller.
Perhaps the band was not so dangerous, but it was an unfamiliar situation and do not know how I could react the wing, so maybe I'm exaggerating.
Well nothing else, I hope you who are entertaining a ratillo.
A greeting and good flights
Monday, July 5, 2010
All You Can Drink Champagne Brunches In Las Vegas
Moratalla, a week Toro
Toro for day 17 of He added, mating Groin-Buendia.
Toro for day 17 of He added, mating Groin-Buendia.
Next week is the festival of Cristo del Rayo Stmo , where the town of Moratalla , northwest of Murcia, is living with the party strength of the bull .. Closures
riding, trail, loose cows and bulls, from 10th July until June 17 ..
here I leave the program of festivities and closures .. from July 11 ..
Sunday July 11 6:00
Bells and Chime. Tronería from the church square PEÑA by the Minotaur. Diana Flores
the Banda de Música de Moratalla. Parade 9:00
Music Charanga LOS PEKES From eaves to the road Calasparra. FIRST BIG
running of the bulls, livestock Férez NEW HOUSE-Albacete, MARIANO SANZ origin. 11:00
Release of a cow herd PAPIN of Riopar - Albacete TORO
Drops of Livestock "Children of Lola of Spain" Moratalla. Musical Parade 13:30
the charanga "THE PEKES"
20:30 Grand Parade of floats with the Queen of the parties, bridesmaids and Children's Court. Usual route. 23:30
The spectacular site of the Glorieta VARIETY MAGAZINE WITH JUANITO NAVARRO AND MICHAEL CAICEDO. Free admission.
MONDAY, JULY 12 9:00
walk COWS Transfer livestock "PAPIN" of Riopar-Albacete, to enable the fenced enclosure. 10:00 Race
games. Children must register with anterioridaden groups of five. There will be prizes for the winners, by colors Association. Children under 7 must be accompanied by an adult. Musical Parade 10:30
the charanga "THE PEKES" from the monument of the Nazarene, accompanied by the rock "GUIRORA." 12:00
Great Cockaigne for children, sponsored by the club "THE BELL"
In the High Street. 16:00
tasting liquor by the rock ASUSTAMANSOS IN YOUR LOCAL MAYOR STREET. 16:30
Tronería the City Council in charge of PEÑA Minotaur.
the Banda Musical Parade Music Moratalla. 17:50 Shot
the traditional fireworks FOUNDATION BARBARIANS. 18:00
CLOSURE OF TWO COWS livestock "PAPIN" of Riopar-Albacete. Entry horses. 19:00
Release of a bull from the ranch of MARIANO SANZ of Linares. Donated by the parents of the stewards.
Release of a cow of the herd "PAPIN" Riopar, donated by a good friend of ours.
. Parade 21:00
with Charanga Musical "THE PEKES" accompanied by the rocks "and Torrestrella Jandilla" and "THE PARROT THAT COMES THE BULL"
Contest 22:00 Migas with the collaboration of the Association Housewives. Travel entertained by flamenco music. 23:30
Fiesta Flamenca on Main Street (Zone of the Rocks). With the performance of the group al-Barr, pilgrims' choir. Miura and EL organized REVOLKÓN rock. Hopefully you dress flamenco / a as they do Christ Horse Association of lightning.
Tronería Chime Bells and from the church square. PEÑA by the Minotaur. 07:00 Reveil
Florida with the Banda de Música de Moratalla. Parade 9:00
Music Charanga LOS PEKES From eaves to the road Calasparra. GREAT THIRD
ENCIERRO Of fighting bulls from the ranch of Miguel Beteta Jutia-Nerpio. Entry horses. 11:00
Release of a steer Trifilla Tobarra Livestock Horse Association donated by Christ the beam.
unpacking a COW NEW HOUSE Livestock donated by Garcia, Conon, CAL MARIANO, CARLOS J CASCALES And Alvarito Athanasius. Parade 13:30
with Charanga Musical "LOS PEKES." 17:00
closure from the House of Christ COWS Livestock LOLA THE CHILDREN OF SPAIN, until the new pens. 20:00
Bands Parade through the streets of Moratalla, with the participation of Moratalla Bands, and Band Sewer.
the end, Bands Contest. Site festive. Free admission 22:30
with Charanga Musical Parade "THE PEKES" accompanied by the rocks "chicuelinas" and "Mandingo." 23.00
Tronería the City Council in charge of PEÑA Minotaur.
. 23:50 Shot
the traditional fireworks FOUNDATION BARBARIANS. 24:00
night closure of livestock "Children of Lola of Spain" Moratalla. 1:00
unpacking of a cow livestock "CHILDREN OF THE SPAIN OF MORATALLA LOLA." Donated by the Pope and YOUR kids.
closure by trail from the House of Christ to the fenced enclosure of BREEDING COWS FOR NEW HOME. Parade 10:30
with Charanga Musical "THE PEKES" by ljkjCalles of Moratalla. 11:00 Closure
cattle herds in "Children of Lola of Spain" Moratalla and New Home in the area of \u200b\u200bthe roundabout. Sponsors Tomasino. Jesus works Spain and Al-tandem. 12:00 Lunch
child by the rock JUMENI-DRUNK. Site festive. 12:30
Glorieta Games Water Colors by Association.
* Games water for kids.
* War guns. Miscellaneous Games
* "It's appropriate that children bring swimsuit, sunscreen and towel. 16:00
tasting liquor by the rock ASUSTAMANSOS IN YOUR LOCAL MAYOR STREET. 16:30
Tronería from the council in charge of PEÑA Minotaur.
Tronería from the square of the ringing of bells iglesia.y penalty charge Minotaur.
. 7:00
Diana flowered with Banda de Música de Moratalla. Parade 9:00
Music Charanga LOS PEKES From eaves road to Calasparra. 9:30
BULLS fifth running livestock "Miguel Beteta" Nerpio (Albacete). Entry horses. 11:00
Release of livestock COW "Miguel Beteta" Nerpio (Albacete). by COCOA COFFEE, HONEY AND CARNAGE BIÑOLERO ASCENSION (ANTONIO)
also released a cow livestock Tobarra Trifillas donated by riders association Christ of lightning.
And another cow donated by anonymous all the parties Miguel Beteta livestock. 13:00
charanga Musical Parade "THE PEKES"
Action SANTIAGO BONILLO song and Mexican music. The Glorieta
. Free admission
musical Parade by Charanga LOS PEKES and accompanied by the rocks chicuelinas and Mandingo. 23:00
Tronería the City Council in charge of PEÑA Minotaur.
. 00:20 Shot
the traditional fireworks FOUNDATION BARBARIANS. 00:30
NIGHT COWS LOOSE Livestock originating in New Home LARIO Raul Baños de la Encina, Jaén. 1:30
Release of livestock cow LOLA CHILDREN OF SPAIN
closure from 9:00
Christ House COWS Livestock Lola Children of the Spain to the fencing enabled on Parade 11:00
cercao Musical with the brass band "THE PEKES" for various streets of Moratalla by de la Peña JUMENI-DRUNK . 11:00
Race organized by the rock bands "Miura"
by Association Game Day Colors.
juggling games, popular games, parachute and animation. The Glorieta
tasting liquor by the rock ASUSTAMANSOS IN YOUR LOCAL MAYOR STREET. 16:30
Tronería from the council in charge of PEÑA Minotaur.
Musical Parade
the Banda de Música de Moratalla. 17:50 Shot
the traditional fireworks FOUNDATION BARBARIANS. 18:00
Drops a herd bull donated by IBAÑEZ NAZARIO "Trapia PEÑA" and other livestock TORO SANZ Bernardino de Linares (Jaén) by taurine AL-Alimon association.
bull day 16 Musical Parade 21:00
the charanga "THE PEKES"
24:00 Great Castle Fireworks, Pyrotechnics by 00:30
PIROASP macro party DJ's in the room festive starring Dj MCD Litos, Di Carlo de KKO, and DJ Miguel Serna, there will be attractions for adults. Free admission.
closure by trail from the House of Christ to the fence enabled in fencing, livestock BULLS PAPIN of Riopar-Albacete. Musical Parade 11:00
the charanga "THE PEKES"
Fair Game:
Inflatables: Bouncy Castles
Colors Animation Association.
The festive tent.
tasting liquor by the rock ASUSTAMANSOS IN YOUR LOCAL MAYOR STREET. 16:30
Tronería from the council in charge of PEÑA Minotaur.
. Musical Parade
the Banda de Música de Moratalla. 17:50 Shot
the traditional fireworks FOUNDATION BARBARIANS. SEVENTH 18:00
running of the bulls of the herd of Riopar PAPIN-Albacete. 19:00
TORO Release of Taurine donated by the Association "in tandem", livestock He added, Vilches (Jaén).
also release a Livestock TORO Guadalmena of Santisteban del Puerto, Jaén, donated by Peralta. Musical Parade 21:00
the charanga "LOS PEKES." SARDINES
finale. 00:15
farewell fireworks show stewardship URM
Moratalla 00:30 Hymn to the Banda de Música de Moratalla.
Submission, if any, of the 2011 Stewardship
Bells and Chime. Tronería from the church square PEÑA by the Minotaur. Diana Flores
the Banda de Música de Moratalla. Parade 9:00
Music Charanga LOS PEKES From eaves to the road Calasparra. FIRST BIG
running of the bulls, livestock Férez NEW HOUSE-Albacete, MARIANO SANZ origin. 11:00
Release of a cow herd PAPIN of Riopar - Albacete TORO
Drops of Livestock "Children of Lola of Spain" Moratalla. Musical Parade 13:30
the charanga "THE PEKES"
20:30 Grand Parade of floats with the Queen of the parties, bridesmaids and Children's Court. Usual route. 23:30
The spectacular site of the Glorieta VARIETY MAGAZINE WITH JUANITO NAVARRO AND MICHAEL CAICEDO. Free admission.
MONDAY, JULY 12 9:00
walk COWS Transfer livestock "PAPIN" of Riopar-Albacete, to enable the fenced enclosure. 10:00 Race
games. Children must register with anterioridaden groups of five. There will be prizes for the winners, by colors Association. Children under 7 must be accompanied by an adult. Musical Parade 10:30
the charanga "THE PEKES" from the monument of the Nazarene, accompanied by the rock "GUIRORA." 12:00
Great Cockaigne for children, sponsored by the club "THE BELL"
In the High Street. 16:00
tasting liquor by the rock ASUSTAMANSOS IN YOUR LOCAL MAYOR STREET. 16:30
Tronería the City Council in charge of PEÑA Minotaur.
the Banda Musical Parade Music Moratalla. 17:50 Shot
the traditional fireworks FOUNDATION BARBARIANS. 18:00
CLOSURE OF TWO COWS livestock "PAPIN" of Riopar-Albacete. Entry horses. 19:00
Release of a bull from the ranch of MARIANO SANZ of Linares. Donated by the parents of the stewards.
Release of a cow of the herd "PAPIN" Riopar, donated by a good friend of ours.
. Parade 21:00
with Charanga Musical "THE PEKES" accompanied by the rocks "and Torrestrella Jandilla" and "THE PARROT THAT COMES THE BULL"
Contest 22:00 Migas with the collaboration of the Association Housewives. Travel entertained by flamenco music. 23:30
Fiesta Flamenca on Main Street (Zone of the Rocks). With the performance of the group al-Barr, pilgrims' choir. Miura and EL organized REVOLKÓN rock. Hopefully you dress flamenco / a as they do Christ Horse Association of lightning.
Tronería Chime Bells and from the church square. PEÑA by the Minotaur. 07:00 Reveil
Florida with the Banda de Música de Moratalla. Parade 9:00
Music Charanga LOS PEKES From eaves to the road Calasparra. GREAT THIRD
ENCIERRO Of fighting bulls from the ranch of Miguel Beteta Jutia-Nerpio. Entry horses. 11:00
Release of a steer Trifilla Tobarra Livestock Horse Association donated by Christ the beam.
unpacking a COW NEW HOUSE Livestock donated by Garcia, Conon, CAL MARIANO, CARLOS J CASCALES And Alvarito Athanasius. Parade 13:30
with Charanga Musical "LOS PEKES." 17:00
closure from the House of Christ COWS Livestock LOLA THE CHILDREN OF SPAIN, until the new pens. 20:00
Bands Parade through the streets of Moratalla, with the participation of Moratalla Bands, and Band Sewer.
the end, Bands Contest. Site festive. Free admission 22:30
with Charanga Musical Parade "THE PEKES" accompanied by the rocks "chicuelinas" and "Mandingo." 23.00
Tronería the City Council in charge of PEÑA Minotaur.
. 23:50 Shot
the traditional fireworks FOUNDATION BARBARIANS. 24:00
night closure of livestock "Children of Lola of Spain" Moratalla. 1:00
unpacking of a cow livestock "CHILDREN OF THE SPAIN OF MORATALLA LOLA." Donated by the Pope and YOUR kids.
closure by trail from the House of Christ to the fenced enclosure of BREEDING COWS FOR NEW HOME. Parade 10:30
with Charanga Musical "THE PEKES" by ljkjCalles of Moratalla. 11:00 Closure
cattle herds in "Children of Lola of Spain" Moratalla and New Home in the area of \u200b\u200bthe roundabout. Sponsors Tomasino. Jesus works Spain and Al-tandem. 12:00 Lunch
child by the rock JUMENI-DRUNK. Site festive. 12:30
Glorieta Games Water Colors by Association.
* Games water for kids.
* War guns. Miscellaneous Games
* "It's appropriate that children bring swimsuit, sunscreen and towel. 16:00
tasting liquor by the rock ASUSTAMANSOS IN YOUR LOCAL MAYOR STREET. 16:30
Tronería from the council in charge of PEÑA Minotaur.
Tronería from the square of the ringing of bells iglesia.y penalty charge Minotaur.
. 7:00
Diana flowered with Banda de Música de Moratalla. Parade 9:00
Music Charanga LOS PEKES From eaves road to Calasparra. 9:30
BULLS fifth running livestock "Miguel Beteta" Nerpio (Albacete). Entry horses. 11:00
Release of livestock COW "Miguel Beteta" Nerpio (Albacete). by COCOA COFFEE, HONEY AND CARNAGE BIÑOLERO ASCENSION (ANTONIO)
also released a cow livestock Tobarra Trifillas donated by riders association Christ of lightning.
And another cow donated by anonymous all the parties Miguel Beteta livestock. 13:00
charanga Musical Parade "THE PEKES"
Action SANTIAGO BONILLO song and Mexican music. The Glorieta
. Free admission
musical Parade by Charanga LOS PEKES and accompanied by the rocks chicuelinas and Mandingo. 23:00
Tronería the City Council in charge of PEÑA Minotaur.
. 00:20 Shot
the traditional fireworks FOUNDATION BARBARIANS. 00:30
NIGHT COWS LOOSE Livestock originating in New Home LARIO Raul Baños de la Encina, Jaén. 1:30
Release of livestock cow LOLA CHILDREN OF SPAIN
closure from 9:00
Christ House COWS Livestock Lola Children of the Spain to the fencing enabled on Parade 11:00
cercao Musical with the brass band "THE PEKES" for various streets of Moratalla by de la Peña JUMENI-DRUNK . 11:00
Race organized by the rock bands "Miura"
by Association Game Day Colors.
juggling games, popular games, parachute and animation. The Glorieta
tasting liquor by the rock ASUSTAMANSOS IN YOUR LOCAL MAYOR STREET. 16:30
Tronería from the council in charge of PEÑA Minotaur.
Musical Parade
the Banda de Música de Moratalla. 17:50 Shot
the traditional fireworks FOUNDATION BARBARIANS. 18:00
Drops a herd bull donated by IBAÑEZ NAZARIO "Trapia PEÑA" and other livestock TORO SANZ Bernardino de Linares (Jaén) by taurine AL-Alimon association.

the charanga "THE PEKES"
24:00 Great Castle Fireworks, Pyrotechnics by 00:30
PIROASP macro party DJ's in the room festive starring Dj MCD Litos, Di Carlo de KKO, and DJ Miguel Serna, there will be attractions for adults. Free admission.
closure by trail from the House of Christ to the fence enabled in fencing, livestock BULLS PAPIN of Riopar-Albacete. Musical Parade 11:00
the charanga "THE PEKES"
Fair Game:
Inflatables: Bouncy Castles
Colors Animation Association.
The festive tent.
tasting liquor by the rock ASUSTAMANSOS IN YOUR LOCAL MAYOR STREET. 16:30
Tronería from the council in charge of PEÑA Minotaur.
. Musical Parade
the Banda de Música de Moratalla. 17:50 Shot
the traditional fireworks FOUNDATION BARBARIANS. SEVENTH 18:00
running of the bulls of the herd of Riopar PAPIN-Albacete. 19:00
TORO Release of Taurine donated by the Association "in tandem", livestock He added, Vilches (Jaén).
also release a Livestock TORO Guadalmena of Santisteban del Puerto, Jaén, donated by Peralta. Musical Parade 21:00
the charanga "LOS PEKES." SARDINES
finale. 00:15
farewell fireworks show stewardship URM
Moratalla 00:30 Hymn to the Banda de Música de Moratalla.
Submission, if any, of the 2011 Stewardship
Sunday, July 4, 2010
How Much Does A Mandap Cost In Uk?
Hi @ s
not to start, so I'm to the point.
This Sunday I got up about 9:00 pm and it was Sunday we did not have any plans, we were watching a little TV and I wonder if Carmen could not fly anywhere, I had already seen and do not hesitate, I said that cabinet would not look bad, we took it easy and went on more or less at 11:00 h, 12:30 h were in the takeoff.
There were few people and not just oriented manga, we had to wait.
13:00 h The pilot took off with a Magus, but there was nothing and sank, the rest of us sat down, breadth showed no signs of life and 15:30 am resigned to give me a chicken, had to wait a run good and not very common, he passed, it became so ago it was dead. When I was equipped a pilot was in the air, a moment ago I was trying to scrape up, and suddenly rose above the takeoff.
Once in the air, it was evident that the slope did not yield anything, so in a straight line towards the landing, but a few meters from the various relief rang, I of course started to turn and climb, when I was a few feet above the takeoff I get a little closer to the crest and started to go, but losing meters, had clusters for nearly the entire string, but they were a little behind and did not have enough height to get me there safely so expect to have more high, reaching almost to what they call la Muela, and when he returned I met a factor that was high.
Another descent but I started to turn allowed me to get under a cloud, black enough by the way, I started to go fast, it turned the heat factor but it was already quite high, I started turning to the opposite side, and when I approached the turn to change not messing with a +7.5 reaches the cloud base, 2970 m, where water vapor enveloped me I looked up, the factor which was about 15 m above disappeared into the cloud was high enough for me to go out and drill, I stay away from the cloud and look the other pilot, and there he was, making a transition to whole milk in the clouds, shame not to take the camera Photo by hand.
I noticed
satisfied and to address the landing, it took me down, got ears and drill again, touch the ground without problem and very happy with the "chicken" that had just given me.
Only one photo that I take out Carmen while preparing the team. And
not hang the track of the flight, I leave a picture I take to various, is crappy but ....
marking speed is quite high, but I had trouble scuttling keep your head on your site lol so i guess it will be.
A greeting to everyone s
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